If I absolutely, positively, definitely had to worship a deity, I would prefer to worship a deity who does not require worship. If I were constructing a deity "from the ground up" so to speak, I would construct a deity who does not lay down commandments to be obeyed. My deity of choice would not require any sacrificial offerings from me or anyone else, would not become jealous or wrathful if I were to pray to other deities on the odd occasion. Among the attributes of my preferred deity are a sense of humour, an outgoing personality and an appreciation of the finer things in life, such as sex (in or out of marriage) and drugs and rock and roll and other edgy stuff too. Who would want a deity who hides within a burning bush, or a pillar of smoke? Not me. Who would want a deity who withers a tree that fails to fruit on demand and out of season? Not me. I choose a deity who loves money-changers as much as whores as much as saints. I choose a deity who loves me as I am, here and now, inside and out, for ever and a day. My biggest buddy, my deepest love. P.S. Very powerful arguments can be made that Deity by definition either has no attributes, or has all attributes. Copyright © S R Schwarz 2007. All rights reserved.